Important Tips About YouTube SEO

Lional Jack
3 min readJan 6, 2021

Getting more views is the goal of many YouTube channel owners, especially beginners, as many YouTube channel owners get tired and strive to create meaningful and useful videos, and then they are shocked when they find that all this effort was for 100 or 200 views at most. You have to know how YouTube SEO deals with your video to nominate it to the largest number of audiences, and we will also provide you with a set of practical tips that will help you on your journey towards increasing your views and improving your channel in general.

1. Search for an incognito browser

When you search for keywords, I advise you to use the incognito browser so that the results you find are not affected by your personal account, which YouTube relies on to improve the user experience.

2. The need to improve old videos

Go to your old videos and optimize them (title optimization — thumbnail — video description — Meta tags) and others.

Improve the video title: You should put the keyword in the title of the video, in addition to making the title itself attractive, interesting, and intriguing, so that the user pushes to click on the video and watch it.

Improved video description: When you are preparing your videos, you may create a text or script for the video, so why not include this text in the description of the video?!

You can also summarize this text if it is rather large and mentioned your headlines, which should contain the keyword you are targeting.

Use Meta tags: Meta tags represent the keywords that your video targets, so try to include some similar keywords or search for them in the same topic as the video.

3. The importance of the content

Content is everything; it is the one who makes the visitor watch the whole video and then decides whether to follow up your channel or not, so invest in your content and continuously develop it so that the viewer is satisfied by all possible means.

This is why I want you to plan your videos well and follow the most famous channels in your field to get inspired by some ideas and methods that make the viewer follow your whole videos.

You can also learn from the owners of YouTube channels that you follow personally by asking yourself what makes you follow them and not others!

4. Depart from the rules and experiment

One of the most important rules for SEO in general and on YouTube, in particular, is the rule of continuous testing, in the sense of trying everything differently until you get the best results.

If you look closely at the most famous and successful YouTube channels, you will find that the style of writing titles and creating thumbnails is constantly changing.

The channel owner is constantly trying many methods to get the most benefit, which is what YouTube employees themselves advise.

When you find that any new video you publish does not achieve results, Edit the video title and thumbnail and see the results. When you find that one of your videos has achieved exceptional results, follow the same method in your next videos.

Always try and break the rules to improve your results; this is how you manage your YouTube channel.



Lional Jack

I’m a full-time worker on the internet I spend my time learning a new strategy of working online, I’m so interested in eCommerce, passive income, SEO.